Analog Electronics


Syllabus, Examinations & Remote Labs


01-Exam 1 Solutions - The Op-amp & BJT Amplifiers

02-Exam 2 Solutions - Field Effect Transistors & FET Amplifiers

03-Exam 3 Solutions - Feedback Amplifiers

04-Exam 4 Solutions - Frequency Response

05-Remote Lab 0 - Parts List of Remote Labs

05-Remote Lab 0 - Breadboard Power Supplies - Presentation

06-Remote Lab 1 - IC Timer Multivibrators - Lab Handout

06-Remote Lab 1 - IC Timer Multivibrators - Presentation

06-Remote Lab 1 - IC Timer Multivibrators - Sample Design Writeup

06-Remote Lab 1 - IC Timer Multivibrators - Video Demo

07-Remote Lab 2 - Logic Gate Multivibrators - Lab Handout

07-Remote Lab 2 - Logic Gate Multivibrators - Presentation

07-Remote Lab 2 - Logic Gate Multivibrators - Video Demo

08-Remote Lab 3 - Wien-bridge Oscillator - Lab Handout

08-Remote Lab 3 - Wien-bridge Oscillator - Presentation

08-Remote Lab 3 - Wien-bridge Oscillator - Video Demo

09-Remote Lab 4 - First-order Active RC Filters - Lab Handout

Unit 01 - The Operational Amplifier

Topics include: The Ideal Op-amp, Ideal Op-amp Analysis, Minimizing Error in Output Voltage Due to DC Input Bias Currents, Op-amp Powering, Calculating Op-amp Power Dissipation, Op-amp Applications, Time Domain Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis of Ideal and Practical Versions of Miller (Inverting) Integrator, LTspice Simulations of Practical Integrator, Time Domain Analysis and Frequency Domain Analysis of Ideal and Practical Versions of Differentiator, Week 1 Homework Assignment, References.

10-The Operational Amplifier: Lecture Notes

11-The Operational Amplifier: Solutions Homework 1

Unit 02 - BJT Amplifiers

Topics Include: The BJT as an Amplifier, Linear Operation Under Small-signal Input, DC Bias Conditions of Conceptual Amplifier, Biasing Circuits of Discrete Amplifiers, Analysis of Biasing Circuits, Week 2 Homework Assignment, Small-signal Equivalent Circuit Models, Hybrid-pi Model, The T Model, Accounting for Early Effect, Analysis of Common Emitter Amplifier with Voltage-divider Bias Circuit, Graphical Approach to Determine Maximum Swing of Common Emitter Amplifier, Analytical Approach to Determine Maximum Swing of Common Emitter Amplifier, Analysis of Common Collector (Emitter Follower) Amplifier with Voltage-divider Bias Circuit, Short-cut Method to Find Input Resistance and Output Resistance of Common Collector (Emitter Follower) Amplifier, Graphical Approach to Determine Maximum Swing of Common Collector (Emitter Follower) Amplifier, Analytical Approach to Determine Maximum Swing of Common Collector (Emitter Follower) Amplifier, Analysis of Common Base Amplifier with Voltage-divider Bias Circuit, Graphical Approach to Determine Maximum Swing of Common Base Amplifier, Analytical Approach to Determine Maximum Swing of Common Base Amplifier, Formulas of BJT Amplifiers with Voltage-divider Bias Circuit, Week 3 Homework Assignment, References.

12-BJT Amplifiers: Lecture Notes

13-BJT Amplifiers: Solutions Homework 2

14-BJT Amplifiers: Solutions Homework 3

Unit 03 - Field Effect Transistors

Topics Include: Operation of n-channel JFET, Formulas of n-channel JFET, Formulas of p-channel JFET, Examples of JFET Biasing Circuits, Analysis of JFET Biasing Circuits, Week 4 Homework Assignment, Operation of n-channel Enhancement-type MOSFET, Formulas of n-channel Enhancement-type MOSFET, Formulas of p-channel Enhancement-type MOSFET, Examples of Enhancement-type MOSFET Biasing Circuits, Analysis of Enhancement-type MOSFET Biasing Circuits, Static Operation of CMOS Inverter, Static Operation of CMOS NOR Gate, CMOS NAND Gate Circuit, Operation of n-channel Depletion-type MOSFET, Formulas of n-channel Depletion-type MOSFET, Formulas of p-channel Depletion-type MOSFET, Examples of Depletion-type MOSFET Biasing Circuits, Analysis of Depletion-type MOSFET Biasing Circuits, Week 5 Homework Assignment, References.

15-Field Effect Transistors: Without Crib Notes

16-Field Effect Transistors: With Crib Notes

17-Field Effect Transistors: Solutions Homework 4

18-Field Effect Transistors: Solutions Homework 5

Unit 04 - FET Amplifiers

Topics Include: The T Equivalent Circuit Model, Accounting for Channel Length Modulation, Small-signal Equivalent Circuit Models, Analysis of Common Source Amplifier with Voltage-divider Bias Circuit, FET Characteristics, Analysis of Common Drain Amplifier with Voltage-divider Bias Circuit, Week 6 Homework Assignment, References.

19-FET Amplifiers: Lecture Notes

20-FET Amplifiers: Solutions Homework 6

Unit 05 - Feedback Amplifiers

Topics Include: The Four Basic Feedback Amplifier Topologies, Example of Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Series-Series Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Topology, Analysis of Ideal Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Topology, Analysis of Practical Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Practical Series-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Circuit, Week 7 Homework Assignment, Analysis of Ideal Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier Topology, Analysis of Practical Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Practical Shunt-Series Feedback Amplifier Circuit, Week 8 Homework Assignment, Analysis of Ideal Series-Series Feedback Amplifier Topology, Analysis of Practical Series-Series Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Practical Series-Series Feedback Amplifier Circuit, Analysis of Ideal Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Topology, Analysis of Practical Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Topology, Example of Practical Shunt-Shunt Feedback Amplifier Circuit, Week 9 Homework Assignment, References and Bibliography.

21-Feedback Amplifiers: Lecture Notes 1 of 2

22-Feedback Amplifiers: Lecture Notes 2 of 2

23-Feedback Amplifiers: Solutions Homework 7

24-Feedback Amplifiers: Solutions Homework 8

25 and 26-Feedback Amplifiers: Solutions Homework 9

Unit 06 - Frequency Response

Topics Include: Low-frequency Band and Dominant-pole Approximation, High-frequency Band and Dominant-pole Approximation, Method of Short-circuit Time Constants to Find Approximate Lower 3 dB Frequency, Miller's Theorem, Method of Open-circuit Time Constants to Find Approximate Upper 3 dB Frequency, High-frequency Small-signal Models of Discrete Bipolar Junction Transistor, High-frequency Small-signal Models of Discrete Field Effect Transistors, Week 10 Homework Assignment, Design of Discrete Single-stage Common Emitter Amplifier, Design of Discrete Single-stage Common Source Amplifier, High-frequency Response of Discrete Common Base Amplifier, High-frequency Response of Discrete Cascode Amplifier, Overall Midband Gain of Discrete Cascode Amplifier, Bandwidth Extension of Feedback Amplifiers, The Stability Problem, Stability Assessment Using Bode Plots of Loop Gain Transfer Function, Alternative Method of Stability Assessment Using Bode Plots of Open Loop Gain Transfer Function, Supplemental Articles Providing Supporting Arguments and Examples on Alternative Method of Stability Assessment.  

27-Frequency Response

28-Frequency Response: Solutions Homework 10

29-Frequency Response: Supplemental Articles on Alternative Stability Assessment Method